
eQueue PBX

Source: eOn Communications
eQueue PBX is an integral part of the eQueue Multi-Media Contact Center Solution. eQueue PBX offers feature-rich PBX functionality delivering the advanced capabilities needed for today's sophisticated business communications and eliminating the need to purchase and manage a separate in-house phone system.

eQueue PBX is an integral part of the eQueue Multi-Media Contact Center Solution. With over a quarter century of experience applied to the design of our redundant, reliable, fault-tolerant system platform, you can confidently deploy not only your contact center operations, but also all of your mission-critical business communications. The proven eQueue platform comes complete with a rich set of telephony features, PBX capabilities and networking interfaces.

Built-in PBX Functionality
eQueue PBX offers feature-rich PBX functionality delivering the advanced capabilities needed for today's sophisticated business communications and eliminating the need to purchase and manage a separate in-house phone system.

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