White Paper

Integrated Contact Center Solutions For Retailers

Source: Genesys

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White Paper: Integrated Contact Center Solutions For Retailers

The convergence of a number of powerful trends has created a climate of intense competition among retailers. The growth of very large retail chains, consumer focus on value, Internet-based businesses, and manufacturer-to consumer sales, among other factors, has forced retailers to keep prices low–and keep costs low–while developing ways to attract new customers and also gain a larger "wallet-share" of existing customers.

To meet the challenges posed by this competitive environment, retailers are fighting fire with fire. Traditional retailers are offering telephone, selfservice, and Web-based sales channels that allow them to keep costs low and offer consumers greater convenience.

But these channels are often "silos" separate from their order lines. Retailers need to centralize these new operations to lower costs while improving customer convenience.

Retailers know that the most cost-effective way to increase revenues is to increase sales among current customers, who already know and trust the company. To realize these new sales, retailers need systems that can harvest customer information and place that information in the hands of personnel who contact customers.

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White Paper: Integrated Contact Center Solutions For Retailers