Guest Column | August 27, 2019

Private Or Public Cloud - Which Migration Is Right For Your Business?

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Cloud migration can be complex as there are many aspects to consider when transferring from a physical to a cloud-based environment. Organizations that are looking forward to migrating complete or only a few of their functions to the cloud have a lot to keep in mind. Cloud security assessment services work best in determining the readiness of your business to cloud migration.

The main point of concern here is to decide whether to migrate to a private or public cloud. To answer this question, let's have a look at these different cloud options:

Public Cloud and its Benefits:

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) usually opt for public cloud. This type of hosting means that enterprises store their data in the cloud provider’s data center. It means the providers are responsible for managing the data center. When choosing a public cloud, it means there is less work involved and fewer skill sets are required to maintain it. No special training is required for this. This data is stored separately from the other enterprises who host the service provides.  Following are a few benefits you get with a private cloud:

  • Easy to roll out and maintain - A major advantage of migrating to the public cloud is that it does not require any virtual configuration to roll out and maintain the data.
  • Easy migration - The service providers provide tools and processes to facilitate the entire set-up. A proper strategy, testing and change management process will be required for this migration to switch to the cloud environment easily.
  • Time and money-saving - These migrations require less time to set up and have less maintenance costs too

Private Cloud and its Benefits:

A private cloud is a solution catering to huge businesses that have critical and sensitive data where business owners and executives need to maintain data internally. They require building out their own private cloud infrastructure and hire resources to manage it rather than relying in a cloud service provider. Let’s have a look at its benefits:

Allows complete control - Due to sensitivity issues, the data is in complete control of the business owners. This is a better option for huge businesses that cannot compromise on their data being exposed to any external source.

Enhanced security - A private cloud is customized only for a single organization, so they offer an increased level of security and shares information only with limited resources.


We know the benefits cloud services offer, and it gets complicated only when organizations need to choose between public and private cloud options. It is imperative that huge enterprises usually consider private cloud infrastructure, there are some SMEs that can even rely on private cloud as well. When organizations decide which direction they want to take with their cloud migration they need help to determine which software testing company to choose. The cloud security assessment services ensure that the cloud options business is about to assess is the right option for them.